Endangered animals

Green sea Turtle

The green turtle is one of the largest turtles and is one of the only herbivores. Green turtles are going extinct mostly because, of people hunting them, being caught in fishing gear, and loss of beach sites/environment. These species are important to our oceans because they eat algae and sea grass, and it helps the algae grow better. Each year, hundreds and thousands of green turtles get caught in shrimp nets and get caught or drown. 





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Blue Whale:

 The blue whale is about 100 feet (30 meters) in length and weighs about 200 tons, the whales tounge itself weighs as much as an elephant! They are the largest existing animal as well as one of the longest living animals in the world. In addition to this, baby blue whales are really big and gain about 200 pounds per day for its first year. The average life span of a whale is 80 to 90 years old, and the oldest whale was found at 110 years old. 



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